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weeping beech tree bud

at least i think that's what this tree is...maybe i will be corrected!

i've been following the progress of this tree this spring, and yesterday was overcast and drippy, so a perfect time to shoot this :)



2 friends...

well, maybe...although i did place them together, they both stayed right on the tide line where i found them, and the incoming tide submerged them as intended. the periwinkle got a bit restless though, and i lost a lot of shots to motion blur :) both had residents :))))


glowing mussels

yesterday was nicely overcast at sunset, high thin clouds to disffuse the light :)  the afterglow was nice too, and as the tide was rushing in i spotted this and managed to get a shot in the gasps of light before the tide submerged them.  the marshgrass is beginning to green!!


leaves in the grass

i'm working on my selective focus skills :) down in the low early growth of the marshgrass on the tide line...

a great way to explore the beginnings of spring color!!


signs of spring

another sign of spring, the brown marshgrass begins to turn green, surrounded by the mussels, exposed at low tide...



spring seaweed

there were a few moments this afternoon that the rains stopped, and i was able to get out and find this spring color on the tide line in the marsh :)

and closeup it was even more colorful!!


spring sunset in the marshgrass

the other day i was noticing the color of the late day sun in the new growth low down in the marshgrass.  from afar the red dominated but up close as the low sun filtered through it the sight was so colorful!!  these new growths are approximately 3"-4" so lying down in the dampness is the only way into this magic kingdom of light...:) and what a good time i had!!


a windy april sunset

it's true we don't have the grand vistas of the west, but still...

and down on the shore itself, a closer look as the waves come into the marsh with the tide...


barnacles and marsh mussels - getting closer in...

i keep returning to a section of one beach where the mussels are buried in the sand in the mid-tide zone, and they are covered with living barnacles.  they seem to be wedged in, rather like an overcrowded apartment!

below are 3 different versions of this sight, moving closer in each time...



april sunrise

i've had to leave for work the last few days right as the sun was coming over the horizon...sometimes i can't resist a shot or two as the sight is so magnificent!!


living whelk

i spotted this guy the other day...huge, over 8", very fat and heavy, complete with original resident :)))  rest assured that i always am very careful with living mollusks by handling it properly and returning it safely to its home.


snail trails in the sand

spring is in the air at last!!!

today i saw a few purple crocus petals *and* a pair of osprey courting in the air above me :)))))

and on the shore, these snail trails in the sand...


shell fusion

the last few times i have gone to this location these fused shells have caught my eye.  today the rain stopped about an hour before sunset - not that there was any sun! - and i ventured out.  this shell sculture was the first thing i saw on the beach, and i decided to try shooting it because who knows how long the tides will keep it there...plus in the wet overcast its colors came out :)


mussel pair in the sand

friday i had to laugh because the sky was totally clouded over, no sun visible, and yet there i was, camera at the ready...sigh.

still, i explore :) i love this one corner section of beach which has clumps, groups, and pairs of mussels buried in the sand.


less than 2:00

the tide was rushing towards full wednesday as the sun was setting, and the waves were gentle but persistent...this mussel was being tossed about at the top of the tide line in last moments before sunset, and these were taken in a span of less than 2:00 - the light changes so rapidly in those very last moments!

this was a it first caught my eye...i loved how the tide had placed it and the seaweed strands :) and the shadows were so long...

and a little over 90 seconds later the light had intensified!  and the tide had tossed the mussel and the pieces of sea debris around with it...a whole new composition!



dark+stormy sunset

last night at sunset ocean-effect snow was falling to our east on cape cod, and these dramatic dark whispy clouds came down across us from the northeast with the wind...


whelk in the marshgrass stems

right now it's hard to believe that these brown marshgrass stems will be long flowing green blades in the future...



the clouds dissipated - as usual - for sunset today, and i scouted 2 sections of shore and then when back to the first place.  upon returning i spied a pristine whelk, and moments later a second more vintage specimen...the shot is a stack of the last 2 i took today...


rock looking up!

sometimes i just have to take a shot...lol!!


scallop in the surf

i found this scallop as soon as i arrived for the final hours of sun this afternoon, but it really came into its own about 15:00 after sunset :)  fortunately it was windy through the sunset, so bubbles were still happening...

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